Canadian Institute of Leadership and Development

DOI: 10.5897/UJ-LGJ
Email: Igjournal@canadaleadership.com

Submission Guidelines

Pre-submission: helping readers find your article.

Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome. However, it is very crucial and very important that your papers are free of common errors. The way that your article will be read will be determined by your keywords which will make readers find your article online through online search engines such as Google.


Permissions: Plagiarism will not be allowed. Therefore authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.

Length of Article. The longer your article the more likelihood readers will ignore it. Be concise, explanatory, objective, informative and educative.


There are no scientific laboratory like you have for physics and other disciplines, experience, illustrations and examples are the laboratories for leadership. People like stories. The quality and acceptability of your paper will be enhanced by the quality of your illustrations

Previous distribution and/or publication

The author should disclose any prior distribution and/or publication of any portion of the material to the Editor for the Editor’s consideration and ensure that appropriate attribution to the prior distribution and/or publication of the material is included.


Contributor’s publishing agreement

Leadership Guide Journal requires the author as the rightful author of his to sign a Journal Contributor’s Publishing agreement. This is an exclusive license agreement which means that the author retains copyright in the work but grants LGJ the sole and exclusive right and license to publish for the full legal term of copyright.

Standard Protocol

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