Canadian Institute of Leadership and Development
DOI: 10.5897/UJ-LGJ
Email: Igjournal@canadaleadership.com
Editorial Policies
• Editorial decisions to publish or not to publish an article are made at the discretion of the Leadership Guide Journal and are based on factors including but not limited to: relevance to the industry, interest to readers, timeliness and calibre of writing, as well as space limitations within the given publication. Submit only complete works, rather than outlines or pitches.
• Include any applicable charts, graphs and images with your submission, but know that we typically cannot run every chart, graph or image due to space constraints. Please provide applicable labelling and caption information with these submissions. It is the author’s responsibility to secure the publishing rights to any charts, graphs or images submitted. Submitted charts, graphs and images should not be embedded in Word documents but saved separately as a TIFF, EPS, or JPEG file at 300 dpi resolution. Photos should be largest, high-resolution file size possible.
• LGJ does not pay authors for unsolicited work that is selected for publication.
Avoid Self Promotion
• Submitted content should not be promotional in any way. Do not write for yourself or your employer. Write for your peers and your industry. This is a chance to showcase your thought leadership—not promote your company, products, services, etc. Offer the reader clear takeaways/next steps to maximize the full impact of your contribution. Consider including multiple points of entry (e.g., subheadings, sidebars, stat boxes, key facts/data points).
• The views expressed in all of the LGJ publications are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official positions or policies of the LGJ
• All LGJ publications staff members abide by the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics, and all authors interested in writing for the LGJ are urged to review and follow these guidelines for ethical and responsible editorial behavior.
• Please submit article via e-mail. Include your name, address, company, title and e-mail address. Feature articles are roughly 1,750-3,000.
• Bios: At the end of our articles, the author biography should consist of name, position, affiliation and an e-mail address where the author can be reached for more information.
• When quoting others’ work, include attributions within the body copy following journalistic, Associated Press style. Do not include footnotes, endnotes or lists of references.
• The LGJ copyrights all original editorial content that is published in its media channels. There are no exceptions.
• All writers whose original submissions are accepted must sign LGJ copyright forms. By doing so, the writer is are saying that he or she is the sole owner of the material and that it is original, and he/she grants the LGJ rights regarding his/her material, including rights to edit, retitle and reprint it, and to grant permission to others to reprint it. Articles are edited by the LGJ’s staff of professional editors, who generally rewrite all titles, subtitles, and subheads to conform to the journal style. We will not accept responsibility in case of loss.
The LGJ adheres to the editorial/advertising relationship standards set forth by the American Society of Magazine Editors in its Guidelines. For Editors and Publishers which “[codifies] longstanding practices governing the relationship between editorial and advertising content. The guidelines ensure that practices commonly used by editors and publishers to prevent or resolve editorial-advertising conflicts are clearly understood and consistently applied throughout the consumer-magazine industry.”
After Publication
• All authors are encouraged to promote their LGJ contributions once they are published by the LGJ via personal and company websites, social media outlets, e-mails to colleagues and peers, etc.