Science and Education Development Institute
DOI: 10.5897/UJ-CJEducRes
Email: managingeditor.olawale71@gmail.com
DOI: 10.5897/UJ-CJEducRes.17.008.1 | Article Number: F5FB702 | Vol.8 (1) - June 2015
Authors: Enakome Ovekaemo Praise and Ganagana Peter(Snr) D.
Keywords: Language Teaching, foreign language, language experts
The aim of language teaching is for students to acquire comprehensive abilities in a foreign language (including listening, speaking, reading and writing) and even a comprehensive understanding. Language Teaching has been greatly considered in Nigeria as the basic tool for development. The reason is that language teaching is seen as a great investment to produce quality of human resources needed for productivity and development. But unfortunately language teaching in Nigeria is bisected with myriads of problems. There exists a lot of setback in the teaching of French language ranging from lack of material, teachers, fund, etc. This paper attempts to discuss the concept of language teaching in Nigeria thereby highlighting the challenges facing the teaching of French language. This paper also suggests possible solutions toward improving the present state of French language teaching in Nigeria.
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