Science and Education Development Institute
DOI: 10.5897/UJ-CJEducRes
Email: managingeditor.olawale71@gmail.com
DOI: 10.5897/UJ-CJEducRes.17.010.1 | Article Number: EB2C393 | Vol.1 (1) - June 2008
Author: Fasasi Adekunle Rasheed
Keywords: Environmental Knowledge, Environmental Education, Agricultural science, Students, South-Western Nigeria
The study investigated the environmental knowledge of agricultural science students in South –Western Nigeria. It also investigated gender differences in the environmental knowledge of the subjects. Using an ex-post facto research design, 267 randomly selected Agricultural Science students from Oyo, Ogun and Osun States were involved in the study. One instrument: Questionnaire on Environmental knowledge of Agricultural Science Studies QEKAS(KR 21=0.83) was used. Two research questions and hypotheses were addressed and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The data collected were analyzed using percentages, frequencies, mean scores, chi- square and t-test. The findings revealed a poor knowledge of some environmental concepts such as Soil/Forest Conservation, Pollution and Environmental factors affecting Agricultural production. It further showed non- significant gender differences in their knowledge of environment concepts. A number of recommendations were advanced to ensure better performance on the factors measured.
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