Science and Education Development Institute
DOI: 10.5897/UJ-CJEducRes
Email: managingeditor.olawale71@gmail.com
DOI: .17.002.1 | Article Number: 4EACE82 | Vol.1 (1) - June 2008
Authors: Osakinle E. O. and Olajubutu Tayo O.
Keywords: Health, Adolescence, critical, juncture, individuals
Adolescence appears to many individuals as a period of stress to such an extent that the adolescents are not being able to be controlled by any authority. They appear to give people around them troubles – like their parents, teachers and even the government. They tend to do things in their own ways and consult themselves in problem areas. Also, adolescence is a powerful period in man’s development in that whatever one will develop into as an adult is formed and determined furring adolescence. To this end, the researchers want to look into the topic Adolescence: A critical juncture in the health of many individuals.
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