Center for Understanding and Institutional Cooperation

ISSN: 1857-8640

Submission Guidelines

Official languages of the publication of the magazine topics are Albanian, Macedonian and English, but there is an open possibility for the other foreign languages.

  • First page, top half: Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Address(es); Telephone number(s), Email(s), Track indication.
  • Papers should be no longer than 15 pages (30-lines A4 format).
  • Key words (no more than four words).
  • Papers should be in Microsoft Word for Windows (6.0 or higher) format.
  • Page style: All sides 2.5 cm or 1 inch, single-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman.
  • The Title of the paper should be centred, in bold capital letters.
  • First page, bottom half: start of text. The text should be aligned on left margin.
  • Section headings should be numbered in appropriate order, flush left, in capital letters.
  • Tables and figures should be included in the text.
  • References should be indicated in the text by consecutive numbers.
  • Reference and citation style should follow AMA style ( References must be placed at the end of the document. Please write the book, journal, or paper series in italics; as in the following example: Carsky, M., R. Dickinson and C. Canedy (1998), “The Evolution of Quality in Consumer Goods”, Journal of Macro marketing, 18 (2), 132-144.
  • The reference section, including all citations used, must be included in the paper's numbered pages.
  • Entries should appear in alphabetical order. If several works are cited for any given author, write out the name of the author each time the name appears.
  • All papers must be edited and proofread; otherwise the paper won’t be taken into consideration.