Center for Understanding and Institutional Cooperation
ISSN: 1857-8640
Email: centrum.qmbi@gmail.com
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-CENTRUM.17.021.1 | Article Number: FB0241AB21 | Vol.6 (1) - June 2016
Author: "> Millaku Shkelqim
Keywords: Compound, noun, verb, adverb, adjective
The aim of this study is to see the definition of compound words between Albanian and English language. In Albanian it is possible to find these cite: “Kompozitë,-a f. (it. composito) gjuh. fjalë e përbërë, e formuar nga bashkimi i dy a më shumë temave ose fjalëve në një njësi të vetme fonetike, leksikore e gramatikore”2. A. Xhuvanit has publica-tion his opinion: “Mbi këtë çështje ka shkruar se pari N. Jokli në broshurën Naim Frashëri të botuar në Gratz më 1925. Se dyti pas tij, ka shkruar i ndjeri K. Cipo te Buletini i Institutit të Shkencave të vitit II nr. 2-3”3. When two (or more) elements which could potentially be used as stems are combined to form another stem, the form is said to be a compound. A compound lexeme (or simply a compound) can thus be defined as a lexeme containing two or more potential stems. Since each potential stem contains at least one root, a compound must contain at least two roots (wastepaper basket)... Compound nouns, verbs, adverbs (...) can be further subdivided into four groups according to semantic criterion. Consider first the example armchair, highbrow, maidservant; (…) the second type of compound is termed an endocentric (…). The thirdly, maidservant is a hyponym of both maid and servant: a maidser-vant is type of maid and also a type of servant. This type of compound is termed an appositional compound. The final division of compound nouns is exemplified by Alsace-Lorraine and Rank-Hovis (…), this type of compound is normally given the Sanskrit name of dvandva, although the English term copulative compound is also used to describe them.
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