Center for Understanding and Institutional Cooperation
ISSN: 1857-8640
Email: centrum.qmbi@gmail.com
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-CENTRUM.17.013.1 | Article Number: CD84589813 | Vol.6 (1) - June 2016
Author: Mustafi Mevledin
Keywords: Security, national security, international, modern studies, threats to survival, direct violence, such as terrorism, interstate conflict, strategic studies for the safety of modern society, crime and common international security
Threats and concept over threats has changed to the extent that the Security Studies include within them risks ranging from epidemics such as HIV-AIDS and environmental degradation, and to the security concerns associated with direct violence, such as terrorism and inter-state conflict. The last one, that has dominated so much the discipline that during the Cold War became synonymous of Security Studies, is currently a subfield of Security Studies, known as Strategic Studies for security of modern society. As can be seen, in modern Security studies many security researchers are agree to achieve a common international consensus over the security content, that it has to do with threats to survival. On the other hand what is most surprising that within this simple definition lies complexity that would reveal security sciences where we also will speak ongoing of this scientific study of the scope of Security, in the following you could also find alternative approaches to security, access offering different reference objects, various tools for achieving of security, which shows that the past practice, instead of fostering safety, have been the cause of insecurity.
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