Center for Understanding and Institutional Cooperation
ISSN: 1857-8640
Email: centrum.qmbi@gmail.com
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-CENTRUM.17.014.1 | Article Number: BF2AC1E014 | Vol.6 (1) - June 2016
Authors: Selmani Bashkim and Mustafi Mevledin
Keywords: Crime, international terrorism, Criminality, organized crime, interconnec-tions, terrorism, victims, victimization, state bodies, format, manner of performance, crime always is presented through innovations and unknowns
Time we are going through is filled full of stress and various emotions of general social insecurity, therefore it is understood the daily media rhetoric, that each sentence and news begin and end with the phrase “organized crime, serious crime, criminal, thief, terror, terrorist acts, terrorism etc. This so known and daily phenomenon in obedience also is so unknown to man. Therefore, as a starting point we thought of presenting this commentary necessary, in synopsis form of this scientific work, that elaborates full context of the subject “Organized crime and terrorism''. Known and unknown results in society, because in different ways and forms, crime has always accompanied human life, because crime has always been present in human life and it has a nearly his age life. Now is felt and rumored too much because of forms and ways of performing, it is presented always through innovations and unknowns.
Considering the risk of this phenomenon, this study undertakes to analyze the causes, trends, efforts, forms and methods that organized crime uses. The study is intended to clarify the consequences and risks for the general national and international security, where with its dimen-sions will sensitize the public and scholars knowledge of this issue, to have more knowledge about this phenomenon, as state bodies, civil societies also and the victims themselves and victimized in general, for rights and fundamental knowledge to be protected from these consequences.
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