Center for Understanding and Institutional Cooperation
ISSN: 1857-8640
Email: centrum.qmbi@gmail.com
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-CENTRUM.17.005.1 | Article Number: 7AF4B39C5 | Vol.6 (1) - June 2016
Author: Seferaj Bajram
Keywords: Human Rights, humanitarian intervention, international community, humanitarian crisis, state sovranity
Respect of human rights is considered from the actual international law as a condition ensuring peace and international security. The responsibility to provide human rights protection lies in first hand with every single Sovran country. Nevertheless, protection of human rights remains an external issue outside of countries exclusive jurisdiction.
International community cannot indifferently stand to human rights violation in a country. When civilian population suffers serious abusing of human rights either because the government fails to bring it to an end, or is the reason of the abusing, then it becomes an international community responsibility.
International community must make use of all available means to ensure human rights respect in all countries where massive and systematic violations of these rights may represent a threat against peace.
Violations initially have to face peaceful alternatives i.e. public pressure, legal actions to responsible individuals, economical and diplomatic sanctions. A great importance is achieving an international consensus toward massive atrocities prevention which cause humanitarian crisis.
In some of the cases, abusement of human rights has been at a level where use of force was seen as the only possibility to end the abusings. But since war itself represents a threat to life and could probably bring further casualties, military force must be the last resort to be used in humanitarian cases.
In order for humanitarian intervention to be effective and used only for humanitarian reasons without misuse from powerful contries, it must be framed within a legal outline.
Achieving an international consensus for a legal bases of humanitarian interventions, would facilitate and abilitate international com-munity to appropriately act in humanitarian crisis situations and would avert possibilities for countries’ individual interests use by exploiting humanitarian intervention as pretext.
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