Center for Understanding and Institutional Cooperation
ISSN: 1857-8640
Email: centrum.qmbi@gmail.com
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-CENTRUM.17.008.1 | Article Number: 7366977E8 | Vol.6 (1) - June 2016
Author: Bekteshi Fitim
Keywords: History, universalism, terror, international terrorism, faced with global regulation, no alternative, driving insurgents singu-larity, the concepts of freedom, democracy and human rights, ghosts of universalism past
History gave the chance to universalism but, today, faced with a global order without any alternative on the one hand and with drifting insurrectionary singularity, on the other hand, the concepts of freedom, democracy and human rights look terrible. They remain as the ghosts of universalism past. Universalism once produced a culture characteri-zed by the concepts of transcendence, subjectivity, reality and represen-tation. On the contrary, today's virtual global culture has replaced universal concepts with screens, networks, immanence, numbers, and the time space continuum without any depth. Ecological consequences of corporate control over natural resources that influence the potential of the less developed countries to achieve sustainable development are another essential observation area for young individuals. Hardly can be found nowadays most controversial phenomenon than terrorism. It has been present in almost all ages, at all times and systems, but now size that is taking, rank it among the biggest problems facing mankind. Crime is smaller today, when millions of people suffer from hunger, poverty, housing and removal of the natural state of living and acting equal to the rules of society and human nature. Students need to be challenged to think about the threat that war may start because of unfair distribution of the limited resources of water and about how debt crises and policies of national development driven by market demands will affect the opportunities of realization of a human dignity and enviro-nmental sustainability of the planetary environment. But this issue remains to be studied precisely by subsequent generations of contem-porary society.
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