School of Agronomy, Federal University of Goiás (UFG)
ISSN: 1983-4063
DOI: 10.5897/UJ-PAT
Email: evnovaes@gmail.com
Submission Guidelines
Submissions are free of charge and made only on-line, through the website www.agro.ufg.br/pat or www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/pat. All authors must express, through the correspondent author, their agreement concerning the submission, editorial policy, and norms for publication in the journal. For that, all authors must sign a document which must be submitted as a supplementary file by the correspondent author.
Papers can be submitted only as Scientific Article and must clearly demonstrate the intention of effectively contributing to the progress of Science in their respective area of knowledge, pointing out hypothesis and methods legitimated by theoretical and practical support, followed by deep analysis and synthesis based on the current literature. Research Notes, Technical Notes and Review Articles are only published at the request of the Editorial Board, when gaps in literature are identified, deserving a deep and mature bibliographical analysis and synthesis.
The Journal recommends a maximum of 5 (five) authors per article. For more than that, a detailed description of each author’s contribution must be sent to the Editorial Board (remember that, sometimes, the “Acknowledgements” section is more appropriate than authorship).
While submitting a manuscript, the correspondent author must also attest, in the name of all authors, the originality of the paper, that it is not being submitted simultaneously to other periodicals, and that it is in accordance with the format required for files, as well as with the copyright policies which will be applied if the manuscript is published. Moreover, the author must enter the called metadata (information about the authors and the paper, such as title, abstract, keywords - in Portuguese and English), and transfer the files with the manuscript and supplementary files.
For researches dealing directly with animals or human beings as their main focus, a previous approval from an Ethics in Research Committee should be presented.
Manuscripts must be written in Portuguese or English.
Submissions may contain up to 18 pages, with numbered lines. The text must be written using Microsoft Word for Windows (maximum size of 2MB, .doc version), A-4 paper (210 x 297 mm), with 2.5 cm margins, single column, double spaced. The font should be Times New Roman, 12 points. Underlining and bold characters should be avoided, and all pages must be numbered. Manuscripts submitted must also obey the following specifications:
1. Scientific Articles must be organized in the following order: title (20 words maximum); abstract (up to 250 words); key-words (three words minimum, five words maximum, separated by a semicolon); title, abstract, and keywords in Portuguese; Introduction; Material and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgements (if necessary, in a single paragraph) and References. Acknowledgements and information related to the title of papers, as well as the authors’ names, along with their respective affiliation, address and e-mail address, detailed in numbered footnotes, must only be inserted in the final corrected version of the manuscript, after it is definitively accepted for publishing.
2. The citations must use the “author-year” system. Only the first letter of the author’s last name should be capitalized, and the author and year are separated by a single empty space. E.g.: (Gravena 1984, Zucchi 1985). The “&” symbol is used for two authors, and “et al.” for three or more. E.g.: (Gravena & Zucchi 1987, Zucchi et al. 1988). If the author is mentioned directly in the text, just the year comes inside parenthesis. Secondary citations should be avoided, as well as the following sources: article in a preliminary version (in press or preprint) or from a serial publication that is not peer-reviewed; summary of a paper presented in a scientific event; oral communication; information from poster sessions or panel discussions at a scientific event; private communications of unpublished documents; e-mails; or private sites on the Internet.
3. References must be arranged by listing authors’ last name, in alphabetical order, according to the NBR 6023:2002 norm, written by the Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT). Italics must be used to highlight titles and periodical titles cited in full.
4. Tables and figures (placed along the text) must be identified by Arabic numerals and always be referred in the text by these numbers. Tables must be drawn in black and white, using single lines, 0.5 point thickness (Microsoft Word for Windows standard). Figures should be presented with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
5. The Board of Editors recommends that authors always take a look at the articles already published (www.agro.ufg.br/pat or www.revistas.ufg.br/index.php/pat), in order to solve doubts about these instructions.
6. Authors will not be paid for published articles and must waive their copyright in favor of the Journal. On the other hand, authors are solely responsible for the content of those articles, even if the Editor holds the right to adjust them to the norms of the journal. Authors are allowed to publish their articles simultaneously in their institutional repositories, as soon as the original publication at this Journal is mentioned.