Journal of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1119-9008
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE
Email: njse@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE.17.124.1 | Article Number: CB341621 | Vol.11 (1) - September 2012
Author: Anomohanran O.
Keywords: Gas flaring, Thermal Distribution, Temperature, Crude Oil
Gas flaring has become a major monster to communities where crude oil is produced and processed. This study therefore investigates the thermal effect of gas flaring on the Ebedei community of Delta State, Nigeria. Measurements of temperature variation with distance from four different directions from the flare point were obtained for 15 days each for both the wet and dry season. Result shows that the average temperature of the area under investigation ranged from 270C to 520C for the raining season and 380C to 570C for the dry season. Result when compared with daily average temperature obtained from satellite reading shows a temperature elevation which ranges from 2.20C to 24.20C for the wet season and 1.90C to 20.90C for the dry season. Results further indicate that the direct effect of the elevated temperature is eliminated after a distance of 2.15 km for the raining season and 2.06 km for the dry season. It is recommended that agricultural crops which respond negatively to high temperature variation should not be planted in this area. The oil company in Ebedei is encouraged to expedite the completion of the gas plant under construction and put it into use to reduce drastically the gas flared in the area. The government is also called upon to pass a legislation to end gas flaring in Nigeria within the shortest possible time.
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