Journal of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1119-9008
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE
Email: njse@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE.16.055.1 | Article Number: 3F6EC26 | Vol.14 (1) - July 2016
Authors: , Siloko I. U. and Ishiekwene C. C.
Keywords: Smoothing parameter, bias, variance, boosting, bagging, asymptotic mean integration squared error (AMISE), weak learners
Boosting is a bias reduction technique while bagging is a variance reduction method. These two methods aim at reducing the asymptotic mean integrated square error (AMISE). This study aims to show that bagging is a boosting algorithm in kernel density estimation since both techniques use large smoothing parameter(s). This relationship was verified by real and simulated data
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