Journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1597-0396
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-JSMS
Email: jsms@universityjournals.org
Submission Guidelines
Author(s) may send three copies of their manuscripts typed on one side of the paper only, with wide margins on A4 size paper, accompanied by an electronic copy on CD plate or USB flash drive. However, online submission is highly encouraged. For online submissions, only a single copy is required. The title of the article should be brief and relevant. An abstract that includes background, aims, method, results, and conclusion which should not be more than 200 words should be included.
The article should commence with introduction followed by statement of problem, theoretical/empirical literature methods, results, discussion and conclusions, including any limitation of the study.
Author should give a word count of the abstract and of the whole article. The whole article should be between 3000 - 5000 words or between 15-18 pages, double line spacing, quarto size, 1.5 line spacing and the font type should be Times New Roman size 12 point.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical procedures and analysis should be appropriate and correctly interpreted.
Tables should be submitted on separate sheets, numbered with appropriate headings, The table should be mentioned in the text but all information should not be duplicated in the text.
Figures should be of good-quality output from a computer, not photocopies. They should be clearly numbered with explanatory legend; glossy photographs or other good quality prints are accepted.
References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper following strictly the APA reference style.
The titles of Journals should be given in full.
Ewhrudjakpor, C (2009). Application of defence of insanity in Nigeria courts: The missing link. Nigerian Journal of Psychiatry 7(2):29-35
Goodman, A.R, Woodstone, M.R, & Malan, A.S. (1990). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder IPTSD) in Liberian refugees. British Journal of Psychiatry, 174: 339354