Journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1597-0396
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-JSMS
Email: jsms@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-JSMS.17.051.3 | Article Number: F1563410 | Vol.11 (3) - December 2016
Authors: ALIYU Mustapha and HARUNA Mageed Oshogwe
Keywords: Police, Nigeria, Community-Based Organizations, Community Policing
The prevalence of violence and other criminal activities in Nigeria in recent times is evident on the inability of the police alone to stem the tide of general insecurity. This necessitates community policing, which emphasizes on partnership between the police and the law-abiding members of the public to effectively prevent and control crime in the society. The study was conducted in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria. The study combined functionalism and broken windows theories as the theoretical framework. The total sample size for the study was three hundred and fifty-six people purposively selected among members of Police Community Relations Committee (PCRC) in Kano, staff of British Council/Department for International Development (DFID), Justice for All, Officer-in-Charge of community policing in Kano State Police Headquarters, Bompai, and officers from Police Academy, Wudil, Ward Heads, Religious Leaders, Elders, and Youth Leaders. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 software was employed to analyse the quantitative data. The study discovered that the Community- Based Organizations (CBOs) are crucial in community policing and offered recommendations, among others, that in order for community policing to succeed, the police should effectively partner with CBOs, especially for information sharing on crime which is crucial for effective community policing.
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