Journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1597-0396
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-JSMS
Email: jsms@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-JSMS.17.047.3 | Article Number: D9F5C16 | Vol.11 (3) - December 2016
Author: MOGBORUKOR Joseph Oghenero
Keywords: sustainable development, Food Crops, Agricultural institutions
The work examined the enhancement of food crop production through sustainable development in Ikpoba-Okha of Edo State. It looked at the various problems that confront food crop production with a view to solving such problems and sustaining high level of productivity overtime. In order to ascertain some of the problems, data were collected by administering three hundred (300) questionnaires which was divided into one hundred (100) in each study zone of Egbire, Ogbeson and Ologbo. The questionnaires were administered using the systematic random sampling method. It was observed from the analysis that several factors militate against food crop production in the area such as: finance, lack of fertilizers application which can also be tied to lack of cash to purchase such, lack of modern working implements, reduction in the level of farm labour, inspite of availability of huge numbers of able-bodied youths and finally lack of improved varieties of seeds and seedlings. To overcome these problems, there should be a transformation from the traditional method of farming to a modern mechanized farming system; farmers should be encouraged to form farmer's cooperative societies to enable them access huge loan to purchase all the needed materials to achieve sustainable food crop production.
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