University of Zimbabwe Publications
DOI: 10.5897/UJ-JASSA
Email: uzpub@admin.uz.ac.zw
Editorial Policies
UZP accepts three kinds of articles for its journals; original or regular, short communications and reviews. Original: full-length empirical investigations not exceeding 5 000 words. Short communications: significant new information for the readers of the journal… insightful findings of social or behavioural sciences and humanities. Each article should not to exceed 2500 words. Reviews: critical evaluation of materials about current research that had already been published.
Author organises, integrates and evaluates previously published materials. Articles must not to exceed 4500 words. Once in a while we accept requests for special issues (of the journals) catering for selected paper or symposium. Each paper intended for the journal not to exceed 55500 words.
All the suggested article lengths (above) exclude the abstract, references, tables and figures. Articles submitted for publishing consideration are guaranteed to receive a decision within 16 weeks.
Special Issues: UZP also caters for selected papers from research presented at a seminar, conference, congress or symposium. For this we will do a special issue of the targeted Journal. The size of each paper should not exceed 5 000 words. (i.e. plus or minus 8 printed pages).
Our Journals use British Spelling and authors are encouraged to use the latest version of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary or the Concise Oxford Dictionary. All articles must be competently written and argued in clear and concise grammatical English. Please note that authors are responsible for the linguistic accuracy of their manuscripts. Anyone not competent with the English Language should seek advice from subject specialists with a sound knowledge base of the English Language to read and correct the work before submission.