Journal of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1119-9008
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE
Email: njse@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE.16.031.1 | Article Number: D78BC96 | Vol.12 (1) - May 2013
Authors: Avwunudiogba J. A. and Abere T. A.
Keywords: Starch, Standardization, Sorghum bicolor
Starch remains an important ingredient in tablet manufacturing and the availability of suita- ble local sources of starch is of Pharmaceutical importance. The starch prepared from the seeds of Sorghum bicolor Moench has been reported to be as good as corn starch BP in binding and disinte- grating properties and better than acacia as binder. This study is aimed at standardizing the starch prepared from the seed of sorghum for possible inclusion in the pharmacopoeia. The starch pre- pared from the seeds of Sorghum bicolor Moench were evaluated using standard organoleptic, macroscopic, microscopic as well as physicochemical methods. Sorghum starch possesses certain unique features that can be used to distinguish it from other starches. The starch grains are off- white in colour, oval, mostly single, odourless and tasteless with a size distribution of 7-21-43 μm and 244,000 granules per milligram of starch. Mucillage formation commenced at 660 C and was completed at 710C. It also rotated the plain of polarized light by an average value of +2.690 (Dextrorotatory). The above results can be used as quality parameters in the correct identification as well as determination of purity and quality of the crude drug.
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