Journal of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria

ISSN: 1119-9008
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE


DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE.17.125.1   |   Article Number: E84A6222   |   Vol.11 (1) - September 2012

Author:  Anomohanran O.

Keywords: Seismic Reflection, hydrocarbon, Geophone, Seismic Interpretation

Geophysical interpretation of seismic reflection data was carried out around Umureute and Amiynaibo to determine the hydrocarbon capabilities of the area under study. The data were collected using the seismic reflection technique of geophysical prospecting for hydrocarbon. A total of fourteen seismic reflection data were collected and interpreted using the principles of picking, timing, posting and contouring. This study revealed the presence of two major growth faults and two minor faults. The contour maps shows that the horizons deepen from north east to south west which is an indication that the migration path for fluid is from south west to north east. Results indicated further the presence of two closures against the major faults which acts as migration seal to the prospect. The study has shown that hydrocarbon capability exist in Umureute at a depth of 1822 meters while the capability of Amiynaibo exist at a depth of 2130 meters below ground level.

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