Journal of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1119-9008
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE
Email: njse@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE.16.030.2 | Article Number: D757CD25 | Vol.12 (2) - September 2013
Author: Akporido S.O
Keywords: Quality characteristics; Udu River; Delta Steel Factory; physicochemical parameters; heavy metals; flame AAS; guideline values; COD; TDS; Pb; Cr; Cu; Zn Ni; Fe.
Waters of Udu River (a section of Warri River) where Delta Steel Factory is Located was studied for the quality characteristics. Water samples were collected twice in a season (dry and rainy seasons) for two years and were analyzed for selected physicochemical parameters (mostly by standard methods) and heavy metals (by flame AAS after digestion). Results obtained are: Temperature (28.8±0.8 0C), pH (6.65±0.12), TS (21.9±1.2 mgl-1), TSS (0.06±0.02 mgl-1), TDS (21.6±0.8 mgl-1), COD (4.18±0.10 mg l-1), DO (5.51±0.32 mgl-1), Pb (32.5±4.7 μgl-1), Cd (ND), Cr (16.6±1.8 μgl-1), Fe (191±250 μgl-1), Zn (66.7±9.9 μgl-1), Ni (ND) and Cu (37.4±6.1 μgl-1). The average values of the parameters were generally higher in the study area than in the control area. The average concentration of Pb exceeded guideline values for WHO (2011), SON (2007) and USEPA (2012) which shows that the water is polluted with respect to drinking purpose. Fe correlated strongly with Pb, Cr, Cu, TS, TDS and COD which shows that Fe has the same source as Pb,Cr and Cu and is a component of TS. TDS and COD. This shows that the pollution observed has its source in the steel production activities in the area.
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