Journal of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1119-9008
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE
Email: njse@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE.17.144.1 | Article Number: B32EAEAC19 | Vol.15 (1) - November 2017
Authors: Ito E.E and Ugbome I.L
Keywords: energy, Niger Delta, Gas flaring, biodiversity, global climate change.
Environmental pollution arising from gas flaring has impacted the biodiversity of Niger Delta. The main stresses relative to oil and gas operations arise from gas flaring, leakages of crude oil, and the escape of other chemicals used in production processes. This paper review highlighted the impacts of gas flaring on the biodiversity and the Niger delta environment. The negative effects of flaring on the flora and fauna of ecosystems have also been documented. The extinction of biodiversity, destruction and contamination of soil, and atmospheric pollution associated with gas flaring have not only deteriorated the environment, but also brought social impacts to the inhabitants of such area. Gas flaring has impoverished the communities where it is practiced, with attendant environmental, economic and health challenges. These difficulties faced by local communities and loss/threat to biodiversity from gas flares are sufficient justification for ending gas flaring practice. Fines by defaulting oil companies should be high enough to deter them while the gas can be processed and produced into cooking/domestic gas.
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