Journal of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1119-9008
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE
Email: njse@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE.16.006.2 | Article Number: 917A9A6 | Vol.12 (2) - September 2013
Keywords: zooplankton, composition, abundance, diversity, River Adofi
Some physico- chemical parameters were investigated alongside with the zooplankton of Adofi
River between June and November 2009. The nutrient levels detected were significantly very high.
Two taxonomic groups were identified; the rotifera and the Cladocera. The rotifers were the most
occurring species (15) constituting about 98.7% of the total zooplankton species while the Cladocera
recorded only two species with 1.3%. Of the phylum rotifera, the family Brachionidae recorded
six species constituting 40% of the total number of species while the other three families
Lecanidae, Proalidae and Trichocercidae had three species(20 %) each. Despite the equal species
composition of the three families, the family Proalidae(39%) was almost of equal abundant composition
with the family Brachionidae(39.4%} while the families Lecanidae and Trichocercidae
contributed 12.9%, and 7.1% respectively. The two species of Cladocera recorded were Ceriodaphnia
audragula contributing 1% abundance and Diaphanosoma leuchen having 0.5% abundance.
No significant difference was found between the physico – chemical parameters. However,
significant difference was found between the physico- chemical parameters and the zooplankton
abundance (P<0.01).
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