Journal of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1119-9008
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE
Email: njse@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE.16.043.1 | Article Number: 8E81B89 | Vol.12 (1) - May 2013
Authors: Uwumarongie-Ilori E. G. and Okieimen F. E.
Keywords: Soil contamination, Heavy metals, Washing, Organic acids
This study examined the efficiency of biodegradable chelating organic acids; oxalic acid and malo- nic acid enhanced extraction for the remediation of soil sample taken from an active wood preser- vation site in Benin City containing elevated levels of As (39.55 ± 0.21mg.kg-1), Cr (313.97 ± 1.00mg.kg-1) and Cu (200.00 ± 0.14mg.kg-1). Sequential extraction procedures used to assess the distribution of the metal forms in the soil showed that As was predominantly associated as mobile pools; 28% exchangeable, 16% carbonate bound and 14% water soluble, whereas Cr and Cu were mainly associated as non-labile pools; 61% and 57% respectively in the residual fraction, and 14% and 19% respectively in the organic bound fraction of the soil. Batch extraction (washings) experi- ments were carried out on 1g portions of the contaminated soil using constant soil:liquid ratio of 1:25 and concentration of extracting solution (0.05M) for various (2, 4 and 6hr) contact periods. Extraction efficiency increased with contact time but were generally ineffective in reducing the environmental burden of the metals, was generally higher for malonic acid than oxalic acid and was of the order Cu > Cr >As. It was found that the mobile metal pools in the post-chelate extract- ed soils was markedly higher for Cr and Cu than in the unwashed soil sample and suggested that extraction of labile metal pools occurred simultaneously with dissolution and re-distribution of the non-labile residual fractions among the operationally defined mobile metals pools.
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