Journal of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1119-9008
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE
Email: njse@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE.16.020.2 | Article Number: 45A5D419 | Vol.12 (2) - September 2013
Authors: Ojaide O and Okieimen F.E
This report gives a preliminary assessment of ecological risk presented by heavy metals; cadmium,
chromium, copper, lead and zinc in integrated poultry-fish farming. Water and sediment samples
taken from a fish pond receiving poultry (chicken) manure as part of the feed were analysed for
physicochemical properties and levels of the heavy metals. The heavy metals content of the sediment
samples were found be markedly higher (MTotal 10.70±1.60 mg.kg-1 and contained 0.80±0.10
mg.kg-1 As; 1.00±0.30 mg.kg-1 Cd; 0.60±0.10 mg.kg-1 Cr; 2.40±0.10 mg.kg-1 Cu; 1.00±0.20 mg.kg
-1 Pb and 4.90±0.90 mg.kg-1 Zn) than in the pond water (MTotal 0.85 mg.l-1) giving values of partition
coefficient, measured in terms of the ratio of the levels of metals in the pond to the levels in
the sediment of 0.08 with respect to the total levels of the metals and as low as 0.04 for Cu and Zn.
The levels of the heavy metlas (MTotal 2.80±0.21) in the poultry manure were higher than in the
pond water but markedly lower than in the sediment (MTotal 10.70±1.30 mg.kg-1). Five fish were
taken from the pond, sacrificed; the fills and flesh taken from the fish trunk were dried. The levels
of the heavy metals in the fish samples were generally low; MTotal
5.462±0.792 mg.kg-1 containing
0.758±0.008 mg.kg-1dw As; 2.880±0.648 mg.kg-1dw Zn; 0.126±0.001 mg.kg-1dw Cr; 1.240±0.098
mg.kg-1dw Cu; 0.322±0.018 mg.kg-1dw Cd and 0.136±0.020 mg.kg-1dw Pb, with the levels of the
heavy metals in the fish gills expectedly higher than in the fish tissues. The levels of the heavy
metals in the fish tissues were generally higher than in the pond water giving values of bioaccumulation
index greater than 1.0 but less than 2.0. The levels of the heavy metals in the fish tissues
were found to be lower than their toxicity reference values giving values of hazard quotient lower
than 1.0 and suggesting that the heavy metals may not present imminent ecological concern.
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