Journal of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
ISSN: 1119-9008
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE
Email: njse@universityjournals.org
DOI: 10.5987/UJ-NJSE.16.007.2 | Article Number: 40C7687 | Vol.12 (2) - September 2013
Author: Iserhien-Emekeme R.E
The vertical electrical resistivity interpretation of four sounding curves was done around Ibusa
town in Oshimili Local Government Area of Delta State whose geology falls within the southern
limits of the Anambra Basin. The results obtained from the computer modeling suggest that the
region is underlain by 6 to 7 geoelectric layers. The aquiferous unit was found at depth above
230m. The unit that contains the aquifer has resistivity ranging from 596 – 812 m with a thick-
ness varying between 34.4m to 118m. This study reveals the possibility of having a maximum drill
depth to water table of above 250m. The geoelectric section depicts very thick clay lignite in some
VES points and this is indicative of the linite lithologies of the Ogwashi-Asaba formation.
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