Cyprus International University
Email: folkloredebiyat@ciu.edu.tr
DOI: 10.5897/UJ-FOLKLORE.17.002.1 | Article Number: 0829ADDB2 | Vol.89 (1) - January 2017
Author: Gözlü Ahmet
Keywords: Police, Oikos, Geopolitics, Mycenaean, Topography
The Aegean Basin, BC Since I millenium, police (city-states) in the historical process that can be called the first stage of political power ‘basileus’ called was in the hands of the king. The police, in the ancient world, western culture-specific geo-political and a social unit, BC 8. together with the century has been the model of a new political authority and society. This model was different from the system of the East. The autocratic system of the Eastern world; abstracted from public and political life of a paid army subordinate of the king of the gods and a central apparatus officers, constituted the backbone of socio-political structure. The police is beyond the exclusive properties of the implementation of direct democracy, free (Eleuthera), independent (autonomie) and self-sufficient (autherki) unit were.
Western Anatolia and Greece (Hellas) in the landscape, resulting in a fragmented topog- raphy of the core structure of the police, which called on behalf of Oikos ‘Family Business’ was created. Relative to the police (city-states) was the product of this core structure come together in appropriate circumstances and expansion. Narrower than in Western Anatolia in Ionia with a geographical name, the police have completed basic restructuring processes, BC In the 6th century they began to experience the most advanced and mature period and a specific ‘spatial patterns of socio-political’ evolved into. This mold, Mesopotamia, all intellectual and cultural heritage of Anatolia and Egypt was formulated in a new philosophical and scien- tific level, as already established historical foundations of the modern Western mind, marital value of mainly old age, the Western Anatolia and the Aegean was moved by police .In this study, the constant as an argument to the geopolitics of the police and the police, highlighting the special geography where Western Anatolia in a natural and bears a date of their intention to shed light on the development.
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